Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Real Gandhian?

We all know about the three monkey of Mr. Gandhi. At least those of us who almost died in second grade while trying to understand what a simple statue actually means.. do. Technically, it is a picture of three monkeys, each one covering one sensory organ. The one that covers the ears tells us that we should not hear evil. The one covering its eyes say that we should not look at evil. And finally, the one covering its mouth says that we should not speak ill.
Ours is a Gandhian nation. Or so we are led to believe from the day we step into primary school. Looking at the state of things, I think it is quite apt to call ourselves a Gandhian nation. Think about it. 
We do not see evil..... or in most cases, if we do, we choose to ignore it. As long as the evil does not affect me or my family, who gives a damn?! The government that we supposedly choose does not see our apathy or needs. They do not see how the Indian family deals with rising fuel costs and the degrading economy. They definitely do not see if an RTI asks them how much it cost to get the members of parliament sit in the Lok Sabha in one session per year. The same session that these leaders choose to boycott each and every single day. Want to have an all paid vacation? Wait for a few months for the next parliament session and the whole extended family can travel to Delhi on a Chartered flight. 
We definitely do not hear evil. For the draconian Indian government, any one challenging their authority and decisions is evil. Obviously they choose to ignore each and every one of them. From Anna to Aseem, not one voice has been heard. Let alone these shouters, not one person from this biggest democracy has ever been successful in getting a complaint resolved or in getting the approval for a development plan for his street, area, city, town without having to clean some red tape ear wax using the larger sized currency notes with Mr. Gandhi smugly looking over.
And for sure, we do not speak evil. No, it is not Indian culture to speak evil. It is evil even to challenge to Government on "gates". 2G-Gate? Coal-Gate? Fodder-Gate? Interestingly, it took just the one, original Watergate to oust a US President. While our politicians and media are more than willing to imitate the name of a famous US scandal with "gate" trailing every scam possible, we are not willing to speak against these political gate-keepers! I believe that the Indian Civil Services should include a special subject for the candidates willing to join IAS to test their knowledge on these "gates"!!
Last, but definitely not the least, there is the epitome of Gandhian philosophy. It took three monkeys to teach us moral character. There is one person in India who is, actually, all three of them put in one. Yes, you guessed it right. Dr. Manmohan "Silent Mode" Singh is the proud recipient of the "Three Monkeys In One" award. No matter what happens in the outside world, no matter what deficit our defence systems have, no matter how many farmers die a silent death, no matter how bad our infrastructure becomes, he is always the epitome of calm and quiet. Come hail or snow, he will not speak. Because "mumma ne bola hai".
Well, Mr. Singh, the "aam aadmi" is pissed. I am pissed. And I refuse to stick it to you and your likes. I WILL hear no evil because I will raise my voice of logic against it. I WILL see no evil and will try and stop it. I WILL talk no evil but I will make sure you listen.
I refuse to sit out and see my country burn. Even if it takes a thousand Aseems to make you open your mouth, I will make sure that I do my part to get those thousand together.
Come on Congress .... bring on the sedition charges!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chaotic Me

Schizophrenic Ramblings - Happy first post!!

I have been wanting to blog for a long time now. And quite frankly, it has been like my attempts at kicking the butt. Tried a few times but then quickly lost the whole plot. Got busy with life and work and forgot about the whole thing. Now and then I read some news on the news websites, research a bit and suddenly, I have this urge to write and be heard. I want to shout out loud about what I think Pranab Mukherjee being the new President, I want people to hear what I have to say about Anna Hazare and his team of supporters, I want to write about the hope of a billion people to have the best Olympics medal haul ever this year, I want to abuse Amar Jyoti Kalita on a very public forum and see him squirm... but at the end of the day, life and job take priority. After all, who has made money out of writing blogs?!

Is it not the mentality that we, as Indians, have had all this time? Yes, we are one of the oldest civilization around. we invented zero and somehow got stuck to our love for that number when it came to results! So why is it that I, who rambles rather logically about things that are happening in India while I try and make a living in the UK, do not find enough time to write about it?

It does not really matter if people read it or not. I can not write stuff because I want others to tell me how awesome a writer I am. I want to write for myself. I want to write for that urge to put my thoughts on paper (or screen in this case). I want to write because quite simply, I want to.

When I see these lines that I have just written in the last 15 minutes or so, I suddenly feel like I am staring down a page written by someone suffering from acute schizophrenia! Not sure how this blog will end up. Hopefully not like its earlier siblings. Hopefully, life will start making sense soon.

"It is simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to stay simple" - Rajesh Khanna in Baawarchi ... RIP Babumoshay